Sunday July 21, 2024

About the Triathlon
The 22nd annual event was on Sunday July 21, 2024. See you in 2025!
The Savary Island Fun Triathlon is a registered non-profit that aims to support the Savary Island Volunteer Fire Department (SIVFD) and bring the community together annually for a family-friendly event. The triathlon is typically held in mid to late July, and draws up to 100 participants and many more spectators and volunteers! In 2023, funds raised from the event were put towards purchase of an AED (automated external defibrillator) for the island.
We invite families and friends of all fitness levels to challenge themselves to achieve their personal bests. Participants can enter as Teams or Individuals, and choose between the Recreational and Competitive divisions.
The race course takes participants across the full length of beautiful Savary Island: through the ocean, along the sandy roads, and even through a forest trail. The race has always started with a procession down Malaspina Boulevard led by members of the Clansman Pipe Band.
The race is sanctioned by Triathlon BC. Additional race support is generously offered by Steve Mattina and Karen Warrendorf from the Running Room.
We gratefully acknowledge that the race takes place on the traditional, ancestral territories of the Tla’amin, Klahoose and Homalco First Nations. The traditional Tla'amin place names for Savary Island are Ê”ayhos/Ihos (double-headed sea serpent) and qayÉ› qÊ·É™n (Fresh water spring).
Read the feature on the 2023 triathlon in the Powell River Peak.

Thank You to our Sponsors
Our event would not be possible without our dynamic team of volunteers, including the First Responders, the SIVFD, and members of the Savary community!